Your Third Year

"son (sun) n. 1. a collector of treasures and heroes 2. a source of found objects in laundry (e.g., rocks, twigs, etc.) 3. his father's pride and his mother's heart. SYN.-an adventure (ad ven'cher)"

Dear Zachary,

Today, you turn three years old. I can remember lying in bed when you were a baby, and telling your daddy that I can't picture what you would be like at three, or four, or five. We couldn't imagine you being that big. Well, time has passed (quickly!) and here you are - three years old. Some things haven't changed at all -- you still love your bear blanket, and you still call him "Bo" even though you have long since been able to say "bear". You still like to sleep on your tummy with your knees pulled always look so comfortable! Socks and shoes are still an annoyance to you - usually viewed as a necessary evil so that you can go outside and play. But as soon as you are back in the house, shoes and socks are off! You even prefer to go barefoot in Sunday School...but we explained to you that shoes are generally expected on children at church, so you are obliging us for now.

There are also many things that have changed for you in the last year. Only one day after turning two, you became a big brother. You have taken it all in stride. You hardly ever complained about your new little sister, and you were excited to help by getting diapers for us, or waking her up when it was time to eat or play. Even now, as your sister is more able to bother you, you handle it pretty well. There are times she gets on your last nerve, but usually, you are long suffering when it comes to your baby sister. You may not notice it now, but you are her hero! You can make Rebekah laugh more than I can, and one of her first words was "Zach". She looks for you in every room she is in, and watches almost everything you do.

You have started to really talk a lot more in the last year, and we love to hear your thoughts. You have declared that when you grow up, you will drive a blue car, and you asked for a tree for your birthday, so you can cut it down like your Papa did. More talking also means more opinions, and we've had our fair share of power struggles in the last year...but even when you have driven your poor mother to the brink of madness, I can't help but thank the Lord for your passion and your strong-will. I know it will serve you well in long as you learn how to control it and use it wisely. So we'll keep working on that!

Zach, when you woke up this morning, we sang Happy Birthday to you, and you grinned from ear to ear. You also bounced all over our bed and insisted that daddy catch you when you jumped to him. It's impossible not to smile when you give us one of your grins, and we love to watch you burn all that boy energy you have each day. You are our first adventure into the world of parenting, and what a priceless adventure you are!

This coming year - your fourth year - I hope you have countless reasons to throw your head back and laugh, that you spend many a moment completely dizzy from your daddy spinning you, that you play outside until you are dirty and the sun is going down, that you have lazy mornings where there is no reason to get out of your PJ's, that you find the courage to learn to swim this summer, that you still give hugs and kisses without complaint, that you learn more about how much Jesus loves you, and that you continue to grow and learn and love like you have this last year.

"Cheerily, then, my little man, live and laugh, as boyhood can."

Your are the best boy.



Kristen said...

oh sure, make me cry :)
Happy Birthday Zach! Have a wonderful day big boy!

Kenny and Jen said...

Happy Birthday Zach!